The popular anime Boruto: Naruto Next Generations has seen the world evolve dramatically and technology is one of the most controversial things introduced in the series to date.

Previously in Naruto, those who wanted to become ninjas had to go to the Ninja Academy.

Below are 5 outstanding ninja technologies that can do this.

1. Wearable devices

The Shinobi Wrist Device is one of the first scientific ninkens to appear in the Boruto series.

Therefore, with this weapon, people who cannot use ninjutsu can also use ninjutsu.

With this device, ninja candidates no longer need to practice ninjutsu, they can use it immediately.

2. Absorbent gloves

5 ninja technologies in Boruto that could make a ninja academy unnecessary

This technology was used by Katasuke in episode 184. Like Momoshiki’s Rinnegan, Katasuke can absorb a barrage of firebending from Kara’s Kugutsu.

Imagine if a person using ninja technology could use and absorb high-level ninjutsu, they would become very strong without having to practice much.

Currently, these gloves cannot reverse the jutsu they absorb.

3. Gloves and climbing shoes

5 ninja technologies in Boruto that could make a ninja academy unnecessary

Currently, these two devices are being developed in the research laboratory of the scientific group.

With this ninja tool, aspiring ninjas no longer need to learn these techniques from the academy.

4. Chakra weapons

5 ninja technologies in Boruto that could make a ninja academy unnecessary

Chakra weapons like Ao’s gun were definitely a real danger.

If weapons were introduced, something like this could be an effective tool against another ninja who relies solely on close combat.

5. Automatic Kugutsu

5 ninja technologies in Boruto that could make a ninja academy unnecessary

The Kara organization has created automated Kugutsu (puppets) that do not require control using chakra filaments.

Although quite powerful, it still has weaknesses.

But let’s consider the fact that it works without a controller, it can be mass produced and is also very durable.