Here are the next 10 of the 20 interesting things you often encounter in the world of anime.

11. The main characters are all teenagers

I don’t know if it’s because anime is often considered a children’s cartoon, so the main characters are mostly teenagers between the ages of 13 and 18.

If there is a danger of destruction or a great disaster strikes, there is no need for superheroes to protect the city or any police or rescue force, just leave it in the hands of the young protagonists.

12. Heroes are always latecomers

“The hero is always the last to arrive” is a very familiar motif that occurs not only in anime.

13. Sneezing when others mention you

20 interesting things you often encounter in anime (Part 2)

When an anime character sneezes, if it’s not because of a headache or a runny nose, it’s definitely because someone just mentioned them.

14. Sword was used as the main weapon

20 interesting things you often encounter in anime (Part 2)

When it comes to action anime, one of the first weapons most people use is the sword.

15. There are many genderless characters

20 interesting things you often encounter in anime (Part 2)

The anime world is very diverse, so sometimes the characters are designed in a very special way that at first glance it is impossible to determine whether they are male or female.

16. No matter how many years have passed, the character still hasn’t grown

There are characters in anime that make many viewers exclaim: `Time has passed, they have grown up, but why hasn’t their favorite anime character grown up?`

17. Many characters have colorful hair colors and strange hairstyles

20 interesting things you often encounter in anime (Part 2)

Rich, colorful hair colors and unique hairstyles are one of the characteristics of Japanese anime, as a way to distinguish between characters.

The character’s hair color can be black, brown, yellow, blue, red, purple, white with shapes ranging from good-looking to unsightly.

18. The power of belief can conquer everything

“Never give up” is the motto of many characters in anime.

19. There is always a scene of swimming or sauna

20 interesting things you often encounter in anime (Part 2)

Almost every anime series has special episodes.

20. Take off your glasses and become a new person

Glasses are always an effective tool to help authors disguise certain characters.

If this really happened in real life, surely `four-eyed` guys/girls would never have to worry about wearing glasses too much and making their eyes look wild and ugly.