More than 20 hours have passed since the US government went into partial shutdown starting at 0:00 on January 20, many activities across the United States are no longer normal as usual!

The White House released images of President Donald Trump working in the Oval Office amid the government shutdown.

Wasted day

Reacting on Twitter, President Trump said that the Democrats are making the military hostage just because of their demands for illegal immigrants.

`The Democratic Party cares more about illegal immigrants than the military itself and our safety on the dangerous southern border. They could have easily come to an agreement but they

According to CNN, frankly saying that January 20 was a wasted Saturday in terms of the deadlock in negotiations between leaders, a senior Republican Party (GOP) assistant sadly sent a text message saying `yes

A figure from the Democratic side admitted this situation: `Everyone is stuck. There is no action between the two sides.`

President Trump Donald canceled a trip to the family’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida that was previously planned to celebrate the first anniversary of his inauguration.

Meanwhile, the White House said that President Trump’s plan to go to Davos, Switzerland to attend the World Economic Forum is currently uncertain.

However, the White House boss announced that he will not negotiate on immigration until the government reopens.

`The President will not negotiate on immigration reform until the Democrats stop playing this card (the immigration issue) and reopen the government` – Reuters quoted White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders as saying.

Which places are closed, which places are still open?

The Statue of Liberty is closed to visitors at this time, but the U.S. Postal Service continues to deliver packages and letters after lawmakers failed to pass a spending bill, prompting the federal government to

Federal employees, except security forces and some other essential agencies, are having to `sit around`, in a state considered temporarily unemployed.

What’s the difference?

The biggest difference with this government shutdown is that monuments and parts of the most popular national parks will remain open.

During the last government shutdown in 2013, the Obama administration closed parks and erected fences around memorials.

According to Do Quyen
