Recently, experts in the US had to warn about a dangerous challenge on TikTok that users SHOULD NOT FOLLOW because it can lead to dangerous accidents, even immediate death.

According to information in the Daily Mail, this challenge has appeared on TikTok for several years but still shows no signs of cooling down.

There will often be many people participating at the same time and each person will hold a phone or camera to record the other person dancing amid their cheers and cheers.

Participants will jump down from the jumping bridge as the train moves at high speed.

The train traveling at high speed will create a white `wave path` and participants will jump into this `wave path`.

However, according to experts, this is an extremely risky action because it can cause the participant to break their neck immediately after the jump and even cause death.

Officials in the US state of Alabama said that in the past 6 months, this trend is the cause of the deaths of 4 people here.

That’s why they raised their voices to warn people.

Warning of a dangerous challenge on TikTok that causes followers to break their necks and die instantly

Many people join just to show off in front of friends and live virtually on social networks.

Captain Jim Dennis from the Childersburg Rescue Squad told WPDE: `In the last six months we’ve had four drownings that could have been easily prevented. They all participated in a trial.`

`I think if a clip is filmed, people will tend to do crazy actions, because they want to show off in front of their friends to live virtually on social networks,` Mr. Jim added.

Mr. Jim also said that people participating in this challenge are of many ages, not just young people.

Warning of a dangerous challenge on TikTok that causes followers to break their necks and die instantly

Captain Jim Dennis from the Childersburg Rescue Squad

News agency WPDE said the latest incident in Alabama occurred last May and the victim was a middle-aged man.

A clip said to have been recorded at Lake Norman, North Carolina shows five people jumping from a pier into the water.

`This is dangerous, not interesting,` one person wrote.

`It’s too dangerous. Four people have broken their necks and died. Don’t do it anymore,` another person commented.

It is known that this is not the first dangerous trend on this platform.

Jacob Stevens, 13 years old, from Ohio state died in April this year after Chloe Marie Phillips, 15 years old, from Oklahoma state, also died in August 2020 after participating in the challenge.

Source: Daily Mail