In the Three Kingdoms, although he had a late start and more difficulties than Cao Cao and Sun Quan, Liu Bei was fortunate to recruit many strategists, heroes, and heroes at this time.

Besides Quan Vu, if you compare the strength between Truong Phi and Trieu Van, who will be stronger?

So, when put on the scale, especially in a single battle, is Truong Phi or Trieu Van stronger?

The first time Liu Bei evaluated Trieu Van’s martial arts was at the Battle of Truong Ban.

At that time, My Phuong, an official under Liu Bei, ran to report that Trieu Van had surrendered to Cao Cao.

This shows that Liu Bei trusts Trieu Van very much.

Liu Bei at that time, although he highly valued Truong Phi’s words, he advised this martial general not to be impulsive.

Liu Bei intentionally recalled that Guan Yu could easily kill Nhan Luong and Van Xu to compare with Truong Phi’s intention to use a blow to finish off Trieu Van.

The proof is that in the battle of Ban Ha, Trieu Van saved Cong Ton Toan and fought inconclusively for more than 50 rounds with Van Xu, the famous Ha Bac general of Vien Thieu.

Truong Phi has the same strength as Quan Vu.

Truong Phi fights alone with Trieu Van, who is stronger?

The second time Liu Bei evaluated the martial arts of Truong Phi and Trieu Van was when he appointed the 5 strongest martial generals under his command as the Five Tiger Generals of Shu Han.

Specifically, after winning the battle of Hanzhong, Liu Bei was ranked among the Five Tiger Generals as follows: Guan Yu, Truong Phi, Trieu Van, Ma Sieu and Hoang Trung.

Although Trieu Van achieved countless victories and even became famous in many major battles of the Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei still believed that Truong Phi’s martial arts were superior to this general.

Truong Phi fights alone with Trieu Van, who is stronger?

However, Zhuge Liang had a completely different answer.

Similar to Liu Bei, in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang also twice evaluated the martial arts of Truong Phi and Trieu Van.

At that time, Liu Bei sent troops into Tay Xuyen to threaten the fortune of Ich Chau Governor Liu Chuong.

Receiving this news, Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang discussed how to deal with Ma Chao’s attack at the Ha Manh Pass.

Rarely does anyone doubt Truong Phi’s fighting strength.

Zhuge Liang said that Ma Chao was a heroic martial general, everyone in the world knew it.

Truong Phi fights alone with Trieu Van, who is stronger?

Hearing this, Truong Phi immediately asked to leave and pledged that if he could not defeat Ma Sieu, he would accept death.

After Zhuge Liang encouraged his generals to let Truong Phi reveal 100% of his fighting power, he advised Liu Bei to personally go into battle.

Truong Phi fought single-handedly with Ma Sieu from noon to evening but still could not decide the winner.

It was because Ma Sieu voluntarily surrendered that Truong Phi did not defeat Ma Sieu at the Ha Manh Pass.

Truong Phi fights alone with Trieu Van, who is stronger?

The second time Zhuge Liang evaluated Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun’s martial arts was when he appeased Guan Yu.

At that time, Quan Vu was the general guarding Kinh Chau, so how could he easily leave?

After reading the letter, Quan Vu stroked his beard and smiled and said: `Master, you understand my heart very well!`.

The meaning in Zhuge Liang’s letter is that although Ma Sieu is strong, he is only equal to Truong Phi, not as strong as Guan Yu.

According to Zhuge Liang’s explanation, he realized that Trieu Van was stronger than Truong Phi.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the assessments of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang about the martial arts of Truong Phi and Trieu Van are partly correct.

Before the Battle of Truong Ban, Truong Phi’s martial arts were actually stronger than Trieu Van’s.

Of course, if a single match takes place, Trieu Van and Truong Phi will certainly have to fight for at least more than 100 rounds.

Article reference source: Ifeng, 163, Baidu

Truong Phi fights alone with Trieu Van, who is stronger?