(Dan Tri) – World leaders and international organizations have simultaneously condemned the bombing at Kabul airport, Afghanistan that killed more than 70 people, carried out by the terrorist group ISIS-K.

Medical staff take bombing victims to the emergency room (Photo: AFP).

The Afghan Ministry of Health said that consecutive bombings in the Kabul airport area on August 26 killed at least 60 Afghan civilians, including children, and injured 140 others.

Immediately after the news broke out, a series of world leaders condemned the bloody terrorist attack that ISIS-K – a branch of the terrorist group self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS) – claimed responsibility for.

US President Joe Biden has pledged to hunt down and force those behind the attack to pay.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson condemned the terrorist attack as a `barbaric` act, and praised the efforts of those carrying out the evacuation campaign.

Suicide bombing in Kabul airport area, more than 70 people died

French President Emmanuel Macron pledged that the evacuation mission would continue `until the end`.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said the international community will stand with the Afghans and the country will try to evacuate as many people as possible.

Czech Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhanek condemned ISIS-K’s actions as a `despicable terrorist attack` and expressed `mourning for the Afghans and American servicemen who died.`

Norwegian Foreign Minister Ine Eriksen Soreide wrote on Twitter: `Civilians trying to leave the country have become victims of terrible brutality. Meanwhile, Polish President Andrzej Duda condemned the attack

The world condemns the attack that left more than 70 people dead at Kabul airport

The victims lie in a hospital (Photo: AP).

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said the military alliance’s priority right now is to evacuate as many people to safety as quickly as possible.

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the terrorist attack was `incompatible with all religious principles and moral values`.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) called for the protection of civilians.

The world condemns the attack that left more than 70 people dead at Kabul airport

The world strongly condemns the bloody attack (Photo: Twitter).

Former US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump sent their deep condolences to the families of the US soldiers who died in the incident, as well as the families of innocent civilians who died in the `barbaric` attack.

Since the US announced its withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban regained control of the country on August 15, Washington and its allies have accelerated the pace of evacuating US soldiers and Afghan civilians from the Central South country.