Among the legends of Chinese Esports, especially in League of Legends, it is impossible not to mention players like Uzi, Mlxg… However, they were once teammates in the Royal Never Give Up shirt.

As Mlxg himself once shared, he feels extremely jealous of teammates like Uzi or Letme.

Recently, Mlxg continued to post a notice on his personal Weibo page, announcing that he would sue his management company, Thien Dong Cultural Media Co., Ltd. – a company located in Shangrao city, Jiangxi,

The party ended: Mlxg announced a lawsuit against RNG for cheating on the contract, offering `slavery` bondage terms.

Notably, this company belongs to Shanghai Jingxin Chengfeng Media Co., Ltd.

When it comes to binding contracts like the Mlxg case, Uzi is also the `victim`.

From Uzi to Mlxg, it can be said that RNG is facing a wave of fierce opposition to its harsh contracts.

The party ended: Mlxg announced a lawsuit against RNG for cheating on the contract, offering `slavery` bondage terms.