Up to now, in any game, there have always been things that should only be looked at, not eaten, but they always tempt gamers to come closer.

Let’s take a look at the things that are extremely dangerous but still attract gamers.

Hearing Box (PUBG)

The supply box, or affectionately called `hearing` by gamers who love the survival game PUBG, is one of the most dangerous things but also full of charm.

Isn’t it attractive when inside the box will be very good weapons with extremely strong firepower and delicious equipment to help you easily climb to the top 1. However, `Thin` as the name suggests will attract everyone.

Yasuo & Zed (League of Legends)

The 'obvious dangers' that every gamer is willing to face

Similar to Thinh in PUBG, but gamers can choose more easily in League of Legends matches are hotboys like Yasuo, Zed… These are the generals known as `the fear of teammates`,

Yasuo and Zed had their darkest times when their strength was severely reduced, and no professional gamer dared to choose them when competing.

`It’s better to ban wrongly than have unpredictable consequences` This is also the reason why Yasuo and Zed are currently the most banned duo in League of Legends singles ranking.

Achievement obsession

The 'obvious dangers' that every gamer is willing to face

People think that achievement disease only exists in life, but in reality, achievement disease has been around for a long time with K/D/A indicators in League of Legends or simply the number of kills in PUBG.

And of course, in order to `show off` your beautiful achievements, your teammates will not be happy, especially when you are too drunk to chase the target and when you come back, your teammates have been wiped out.

In reality, `Achievement Disease` seems to be much milder than `Hearing` and `Yasuo, Zed`, but in some situations it can cause more psychological inhibition than the two above.

The disease manifests

`Games are stage and gamers are also artists` but without an audience, who will the artist perform for?

The 'obvious dangers' that every gamer is willing to face

This is also a headache in League of Legends when certain artists choose Lee Sin to `dance`, Katarina, Nidalee… to `gank stamp` but are ready to curse their teammates.

After all, the disease of showing off is no less bad than the disease of achievement, but it is scarier in that this disease is quite difficult to explain to patients.