Although it was only released on March 6, the Lien Bang Chien feature of the game Cai The Tranh Hung has quickly received countless positive feedback from the gaming community.

The Cai The Tranh Hung community unanimously supported the Battlefield Reporting event

In order to join the exciting fighting atmosphere that Lien Lien Lien War brings, the Cai The Tranh Hung community launched the Battlefield Reporting event with many attractive prizes.

Just by participating in updating the status of the Federation War, all Attackers will receive at least 2 Tiger Talisman and 5 Lac Duong Shovels.

The Cai The Tranh Hung community has been 'rising up', continuously PKing since the Lien Bang Chien feature was launched

Unstable developments, `smelling` Drama coming from big Bangs on every Server

Very quickly, this exciting event attracted a series of martial artists who demonstrated their `borderless` creativity over the past 4 days.

The Cai The Tranh Hung community has been 'rising up', continuously PKing since the Lien Bang Chien feature was launched

The overwhelming numbers recorded from Tu Nghia at the end of March 9.

In another context, the Dragon Tribe and Hallow `turned face` to each other.

The Cai The Tranh Hung community has been 'rising up', continuously PKing since the Lien Bang Chien feature was launched

Another equally competitive candidate is reporter Long Hoang from War Zone S41.

The Cai The Tranh Hung community has been 'rising up', continuously PKing since the Lien Bang Chien feature was launched

According to this guy, Tieu Dao and Star Bang already had many disagreements and were long-time rivals at the Bang Hoi Duel event to compete for a unique position on the Server.

The Cai The Tranh Hung community has been 'rising up', continuously PKing since the Lien Bang Chien feature was launched

So, with sophisticated tactics and abundant military force, the Tieu Dao – Star alliance quickly quelled the rebellion and exploited resources.

It seemed that the dream of dominating the country would last forever, but a country cannot have two kings.

Losing both City Lords, Star quickly dropped to 6th place on the server rankings.

Indeed, with twists and turns, such as the alliance of Thuc and Wu breaking their promise in the Three Kingdoms, the war between these two great states will last longer and take more paper and pens to reach an end.

In another development, area S64-66 is also a battlefield with a lot of ink being reported by player Kim Nam.

Thus, no matter how famous you are, if you do not attack in a methodical and strategic manner, it will be difficult to achieve success.


Since the release of Lien Bang Chien, Cai The Tranh Hung has become the center of discussion among fans recently.

To continue to cheer up the spirit of the Owners on the occasion of launching the Battlefield Reporting minigame, publisher Garena has released a series of giftcodes to call on players to join hands in reporting:






Hopefully with these attractive prizes, reporters/novelists will continue to `work` more to bring valuable information to the Owners about the current war situation.

Download the game at Apple iOS App or Google Play.



