The story of security and preserving the privacy of social network users is always a difficult question for any famous brand, especially when it comes to scandals that have shocked the world.

Seeming to understand this concern of the large user community, VCCorp General Director Nguyen The Tan did not hesitate to reveal part of the method that Lotus uses to ensure information security for users, strictly

Lotus social network is designed with content and user experience as the focus.

Comply with the law, do not violate privacy rights

Right at the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Nguyen The Tan confirmed that Lotus was made and designed on the basis of Vietnamese law, seriously complying with the laws on ensuring user personal information.

User privacy data is sometimes often ignored, but in fact it is one of the resources sought after by many people.

Account identification, authentication like `green tick`

During the meeting, aspects of solving the problem of authenticating the owner’s account were also discussed and shared.

Revealing how Lotus Social Network protects users: Strict censorship, `green tick`, no selling of private data

The interesting point is that as long as there is proof of ownership of the owner’s account and acceptance to sign the confirmation document, the user will be given a related `green tick`.

Censor posted content and limit fake news

With the complex development of the 4.0 era in the world of Internet information, it is not difficult to understand that the Lotus social network will have an algorithm that automatically reviews violating content.

Even the traced users themselves will have to take responsibility for the information they post, eliminating negative risks for others from the above problems.