November 22 is truly an unforgettable day for T1 fans in particular and LCK fans as well as the League of Legends community in general.

The situation became even more tense when Canna’s representative confirmed that this player did not want to leave but T1 pushed for the transfer.

However, after GM Polt made the announcement, NS – one of the teams said to have reached an agreement with T1 – also spoke up.

NS was accused by the LCK community of `pouring fuel on the fire` after posting about the agreement with T1, her sister Canna also `participated` in the drama

However, this action of NS was condemned by LCK netizens as `pouring fuel on the fire`.

Not only NS, Canna’s older sister also `got involved`.

NS was accused by the LCK community of `pouring fuel on the fire` after posting about the agreement with T1, her sister Canna also `participated` in the drama

Although this can be seen as Canna’s sister hoping that this will be proof that there really was a verbal agreement between Canna and the late COO John Kim, perhaps these images do not help Canna much in the future.

In addition, in a new development, Upcomer reporter FionnOnFire confirmed that it is true that Canna intends to find a new team during Worlds 2021 and that he himself reported that Cloud9 intended to recruit this player, even

NS was accused by the LCK community of `pouring fuel on the fire` after posting about the agreement with T1, her sister Canna also `participated` in the drama

Currently, this incident has been reported to the LCK BTC and of course, Riot Korea has also grasped the problem.

NS was accused by the LCK community of `pouring fuel on the fire` after posting about the agreement with T1, her sister Canna also `participated` in the drama
NS was accused by the LCK community of `pouring fuel on the fire` after posting about the agreement with T1, her sister Canna also `participated` in the drama