Although it has only been released for 1 week, on international servers, major regions such as North America, Europe, and Korea already have about 20 gamers who have reached the Master level of Truth Arena mode.

First, in terms of squad, Kittingishard divides the current team-comps into 3 tiers, noting that this ranking is based on the strength of the full squad.

Tier S – Extremely domineering

Rebel, Guardian, Super Technology

Tier A – Strong and easy to reach top 4

Mech – Secret Detective and Mech – Witch

Tier B – Needs many conditions to be strong

All remaining squads.

This is probably an extremely accurate power ranking when the designers of Truth Arena themselves have to admit that the Rebellion is too strong.

However, the dominant point of Rebellion lies in the fact that it combines so well with many different races and systems, making the transformation ability of this squad very large.

Learn from the top ranked 1 player in Western Truth Arena - 'Only fools roll before level 8'

At tier A we have 2 variations of the Mech squad with Secret Detective and Witch. Maybe the squad does not have as much strength as the S tier team-comps but with early strength with Super Robot, you can keep

In the champion rankings, we can see that S-tier and A-tier generals (strong generals) are mostly strong individual champions that are also strong when combined into a specific squad, otherwise they must also belong to the S-tier squad.

Finally, this guy also shares some extremely good tips in the process of building a squad:

Learn from the top ranked 1 player in Western Truth Arena - 'Only fools roll before level 8'

Don’t try to build according to an existing squad, play the following games to keep your health, this is an extremely important resource.

If you want to play Rebellion, don’t just buy units of this clan, buy what you feel is good, create a strong enough squad in the mid-game and then switch to playing Rebellion at the end of the game.

Learn from the top ranked 1 player in Western Truth Arena - 'Only fools roll before level 8'

This is also true for squads with 6 strong generals like Super Tech, never leave the squad at the 5 Super Tech mark before you have Ekko, take advantage of other odd combos like Chrono Gunner, Gladiator to

Air Bandit is extremely strong in the early and mid game.

Never roll before you reach level 8 (unless you want to get 3 stars for a certain champion).

If you don’t have 50 coins after the 3rd round, you’re in big trouble.

Learn from the top ranked 1 player in Western Truth Arena - 'Only fools roll before level 8'

Super Tech is not an easy top 1 squad, it can beat normal squads but you will lose to those who are too lucky.

What do you think about the shares of this top 1 Western `player`?

Learn from the top ranked 1 player in Western Truth Arena - 'Only fools roll before level 8'