In just a decade, smartphones have gone from being a device for techies to becoming essential for both the average person and the online professional, whether it’s for playing games, emailing customers, keeping in touch with family.

As our use of mobile devices has changed, those devices have also changed day by day.

Phone and buttons

Back at the beginning of the decade, smartphones certainly existed and Android was around in version 4.0, but they weren’t popular in the same way they are now.

Many smartphones since 2010 have boasted buttons.

My first smartphone was a Sony Xperia Mini Pro in 2011, it had a small screen and a sliding keyboard, which was really great for programming buttons in the emulator.

But eventually, all smartphones started to become homogenous, they were identical.

Last decade - How have smartphones evolved?

Influence Iphone

The iPhone was a huge hit when it launched in 2007, but its impact on the mobile market wasn’t felt immediately.

The iPhone is sleek, and the App Store offers a wealth of content to users out of the box, much of it for free (at least initially).

Wherever the iPhone goes, other manufacturers follow.

Last decade - How have smartphones evolved?

The devices themselves are quickly moving in the same direction, with big screens, sleek designs, and even in recent years, the practice of ditching the headphone jack in favor of wireless headphones.

Gaming phones and gimmicks

Recently, the mobile phone market has undergone incredible changes.

And of course, with the development of devices, games have also undergone drastic changes.

Last decade - How have smartphones evolved?

However, smart devices in general have been stagnant for a few years now.

The future of mobile devices is difficult to predict.