Hidden in the basement of a shopping center located in the middle of the prosperous commercial district of Guangzhou province, there is a `factory` that produces special values.

In just a few short years of establishment, Hifan Multimedia Communications Company has climbed to the position of one of the five largest media companies in Guangzhou.

This is the birthplace of the new generation of Chinese KOLs, the life source of the livestream sales service, or what they call entertainmerce, combining the words entertainment and e-commerce, integrating `entertainment` into

According to iResearch data, the revenue of the Chinese livestream market increased by 180% in 2016, worth up to 21 billion Yuan (equivalent to 68 trillion VND).

When it was big enough, livestream began to creep into the business industry, and then the online sales aspect also appeared on the leading livestream channels.

Hifan CEO Tiger Ai said that total revenue in 2017 amounted to 30 million yuan.

The “KOL factory” in Guangzhou has a tight work schedule.

KOL `training furnace` in Guangzhou: behind China's billion-dollar livestream industry

“It looks flashy, but this industry is extremely harsh, it drains the vitality of anyone who gets involved.

During the most brilliant years of their careers, KOLs must earn as much fame as possible, so that they can later have `capital` to venture into other professions.

The customer shopping experience is still as important as ever, but in an age of ubiquitous fraud, they demand more transparency and authenticity than before.

Barriers to online sales, social networks and other forms of entertainment are increasingly blurred in the common Internet, which makes CEO Ai believe that livestream sales will continue to evolve, becoming an effective way of doing business.

“The success or failure of a KOL depends heavily on each person’s personality, and how they attract loyal followers to create a group of loyal customers.

KOL `training furnace` in Guangzhou: behind China's billion-dollar livestream industry

Each KOL receives 20,000 to 40,000 yuan per month, equivalent to 65 to 130 million VND/month.

We can take the example of Cici Hee, a 22-year-old girl specializing in online sales, completely different from the KOLs you often see.

Yoyo Jiang is an `early retired` teacher, she wants to have her own brand to sell online.

The younger Million Zhu has a different dream: she wants to become an Internet star, famous enough to later venture into other professions, when her streamer career declines.

KOL `training furnace` in Guangzhou: behind China's billion-dollar livestream industry

“The surface of their work seems rosy, all day just gossiping with fans and singing with stream viewers, but in reality this industry is extremely competitive, and requires streamers to spend a lot of time to get promoted.

He considers himself a life coach, a `life coach`, in a good way, not an unpleasant `life coach`.

CEO Who has a bigger dream, no longer wants to be a third party providing a sales platform, but is self-reliant, selling products he makes himself.

`Buying and selling via livestream has not yet developed its full potential, there is still room for us to expand further,` Mr. Ai commented excitedly.

The cycle of `shopping for entertainment, entertainment will boost sales` will be the vital motto of the platform that fuses the two into entertainmerce.

Interaction between viewers and streamers is also a crucial factor.

“Viewers want their idols to share their personal opinions, then create a welcoming atmosphere for each livestream, enticing viewers to spend their money on purchases.

“It’s as if we turned an inanimate item into something alive, making the shopping experience believable and enjoyable.”

Refer to SMCP