According to statistics, 40-60% of users will leave a business’s website if the website takes longer than 3 seconds to load and 60-80% of these users will never return.

– Mobify increased conversion rates by 1.11% after reducing their homepage load time by 100 milliseconds.

– Retailer AutoAnything increased sales by 12-13% after cutting page load times in half.

– Walmart improved page load time by 1 second, which helped increase conversion rate by 2%.

Therefore, optimizing page load speed is a decisive factor in optimizing conversion rates for businesses.

Not only does it affect the conversion rate, the website’s page loading speed also has a great impact on the business’s website abandonment rate.

In addition, Google tends to prioritize displaying fast websites, so page loading speed is also an important factor in Google search rankings and SEO results.

Ultimately, page load speed is closely linked to user experience.

Slow website, user abandonment, SEO failure – CDN is the optimal solution to help speed up the website while increasing customer experience.

CDNs help you solve the problem of a website’s loading speed – which is the delay that occurs from the moment you request the page to load to the moment the content actually appears on the screen, often affected by

BizFly CDN - Revolutionary solution in optimizing web surfing experience

Currently, BizFly CDN is the leading website acceleration, optimization and protection support service in Vietnam.

1. Optimize CSS and JS

BizFly CDN integrates the ability to optimize CSS and JS by removing unnecessary characters in the source code of CSS and JS files, helping to reduce file size, thereby increasing the website’s loading speed.

2. Streamline image Metadata

BizFly CDN helps you remove EXIF metadata including information about Date and time, Camera settings, copyright… Image size is reduced, page loading becomes much faster.

3. Compress images to reduce size and maintain quality

This is truly a feature you cannot miss if you intend to use CDN for your website.

4. Automatically resize images

With BizFly Cloud’s high-quality CDN service, images will immediately be automatically optimized and sized to match the website’s image standards.

5. Optimize website speed with Progressive Image Loading

Progressive Image Loading means: initially the website will still display the entire image while it has only partially loaded the data, meaning the image will display broken before the entire download is completed.

BizFly CDN is a solution to accelerate and protect websites in the BizFly Cloud ecosystem, operated by VCCorp – a pioneer company in the field of technology and communications.

Register to experience the BizFly CDN solution for free or receive consultation at:

Support hotline: 024 7302 8888/ 028 7302 8888