Reduce screen brightness

This is the simplest, easiest and most effective method for all laptop models.

High brightness makes images displayed on the screen look clearer and more beautiful.

Use a wireless mouse

8 tips to help your laptop battery last longer

You can also extend battery life by disconnecting your computer from unnecessary peripherals.

Turn off background applications

In the right corner of the screen, select to remove unnecessary applications that start with Windows.

Use headphones instead of speakers or turn down the volume

8 tips to help your laptop battery last longer

External speakers will consume a lot of battery capacity, so it’s best to use headphones to save battery life and keep the shared workspace from affecting everyone.

If you don’t have headphones and a comfortable working environment, you want to listen to music, download it to your device instead of listening online.

Clean and defragment hard drives

HDD hard drives contain data on platters.

8 tips to help your laptop battery last longer

Cleaning up old files in the download folder, deleting junk files and software also helps prolong laptop battery life.

Let the machine operate in a cool environment

High device temperature also wastes the battery, the cooling fan has to operate at full capacity, causing the battery to drain faster and its lifespan will be shortened.

8 tips to help your laptop battery last longer

You also need to get rid of the habit of using the computer on blankets, pillows, etc. because these objects absorb and store heat from the body.

In addition, cleaning your laptop regularly also helps reduce its temperature when in use.

Upgrade more RAM

8 tips to help your laptop battery last longer

You will have to spend some money to increase the amount of RAM on your computer.

Clean the battery

If possible, clean the battery’s metal contacts every few months.