First lesson: `Ability to pick up equipment`

It is impossible to have a backpack full of ammunition, medicine, water or accessories, if you do not diligently `loot` the items.

'5 life lessons I learned from PUBG Mobile'

Why do I like PUBG Mobile right from the initial search for weapons and equipment?

'5 life lessons I learned from PUBG Mobile'

Just like life, maybe God has given us gifts, and your job is to find them.

`High dose`

It seems that from a certain angle, hard work and diligence alone are not enough for the `loot` job in PUBG Mobile.

'5 life lessons I learned from PUBG Mobile'

Even if you `loot` the whole map, the equipment you receive is only at a good level (hat, level 2 armor, a few basic guns like AK-47, M416), even low average like UMP9

To become `aggressive`, we must have `golden` and `VIP` items.

'5 life lessons I learned from PUBG Mobile'

This life has so many things we want to own, things we dream of like getting high scores in exams, having a beautiful girlfriend or being the boss of our own company… Just work hard and be patient.

`Three trees gathered together form a high mountain`

Most games have a team mode (Co-op).

'5 life lessons I learned from PUBG Mobile'

PUBG Mobile is a game that requires players to concentrate highly, stimulating and promoting all of the gamer’s abilities.

Activities to compete for bases (where there is a probability of having `delicious` items such as Pochinki, Paradise Resort, Pecado, Castle…), airdrop robbery, house destruction, and direct combat all require contracts and information exchange.

Likewise, in the current era of strong social interaction, groups and communities become an inevitable organization.

`Better luck than wisdom`

Even though it is a game rich in tactics and thinking about fighting methods, it does not deny the element of chance, luck in PUBG Mobile is extremely important.

During a match, many people shared that there were many cases of random and unreasonable deaths.

`Scheming depends on people, success depends on heaven` in our lives refers to the luck that is always needed and everyone wants it by their side like a god, a god, a magical blessing.

`Failure is mother’s success`

In PUBG Mobile, you only have one chance to survive, only one chance to fight. If you are destroyed, you will be immediately `out` of the game.

After each failure, each game having to endure the pain of `elimination right from the parking round`, my experience playing PUBG Mobile increased.

It’s similar in life.

A few words of wisdom…

There are many games, I played a few times and then deleted them, there are games I only play in my free time, but don’t have much impression, or many games are just for entertainment, finding fun, making new friends.

After each match, I reflect on something to learn from experience and play better.

Having been with `brother` PUBG Mobile for almost a year now, there are indeed many unforgettable memories.

Forever love PUBG Mobile!