Galio should be placed alone in the front line

For the vast majority of Truth Arena gamers, having tanker units stand in a row in the front line is the best way to ensure resistance.

Furthermore, in some cases, arranging tank champions in a row when Galio is in the team will accidentally `squeeze` the main force.

You should not place Lucian in the corner of the stage unless you encounter an Assassin

With the nature of a long-range main hero, Lucian is a unit with low defense stats and is easy to defeat.

To solve this problem, the super players of Truth Arena: Judgment World Championship came up with a way to place Lucian in the middle of the bottom row.

3 lineup arrangement tips worth learning from super players at Truth Arena World Championship: Verdict

Draven needs to be placed in the front line

One of Draven’s weaknesses compared to other main forces is that this unit depends entirely on normal attacks to deal damage.

Not stopping there, this arrangement also helps Draven avoid being focused on causing damage by Lucian or Vel’Koz.

3 lineup arrangement tips worth learning from super players at Truth Arena World Championship: Verdict