Perhaps you’re currently working at a job that you’re not very interested in. Every day when you go to work, you just want to end your time quickly so you can go home and play games on your beloved computer.

Dragon Slayer (Skyrim)

Perhaps there is no greater feat than destroying that giant tailed beast flying in the sky.

The Witcher

20 amazing `careers` that you can only do in games (P1)

Being paid to destroy dangerous monsters sounds `cool`, but in addition, you are also given wonderful magic!

Sheriff of a town full of magical creatures (The Wolf Among Us)

20 amazing `careers` that you can only do in games (P1)

While it’s great to meet fairy tale characters like Snow White or Cinderella, don’t let that end up being sheriff in Fabletown, where murder cases pile up, there’s no pay at all, and

High-tech super soldier (Halo)

20 amazing `careers` that you can only do in games (P1)

No matter how `cool` that tech suit is, don’t wear it.

Treasure Hunter (Uncharted)

20 amazing `careers` that you can only do in games (P1)

Of course, there is no one who doesn’t like to go to the most ancient places around the world to search for priceless treasures.

Pokemon Trainer (Pokémon)

20 amazing `careers` that you can only do in games (P1)

It sounds easy, but this is not a game, you can’t just swipe the screen, trap them in a ball and just wait until you fight to call them out.

Wanted Hackers (Watch Dogs)

You may not even know anything about programming, let alone become a professional hacker.

The leader of an entire… civilization (Civilization VI)

Are you sure you want to be responsible for everyone’s fate?

Thief: The Dark Project

To get this job, you must infiltrate an underground world.

NSA Agent (Splinter Cell)

Hiding in the shadows, using the most advanced weapons to destroy bad guys and protect the country is truly a proud job.

(To be continued…)