World War Z

Developed by Saber Interactive, World War Z is set in a post-apocalyptic world adapted from the film of the same name but has a completely different plot.

In Left 4 Dead, all character classes have the same abilities and limitations, however World War Z goes in a different direction, giving players multiple classes to choose from and each

Another big difference is that every weapon in World War Z can be upgraded.

Grand Theft Auto Online

15 great co-op games to help gamers stay at home to avoid the epidemic but still have fun with friends (P1)

Billion dollar missions, heart-stopping police escapes or daring theft missions… are all familiar elements of GTA, and all of them will appear in the Online version of the series.

15 great co-op games to help gamers stay at home to avoid the epidemic but still have fun with friends (P1)

Don’t Starve Together

Although it is a strange game, Don’t Starve Together will be a coop game that requires both the `intellect` and `talent` of all group members.

15 great co-op games to help gamers stay at home to avoid the epidemic but still have fun with friends (P1)

Stardew Valley

If you are quite `fed up` with the action genre, join your friends in `growing more vegetables and raising fish` in the land of Stardew Valley.

15 great co-op games to help gamers stay at home to avoid the epidemic but still have fun with friends (P1)

The Division 2

With a variety of game modes such as story missions, group battles and raids, Division 2 is a perfect choice in the context of many co-op action games whose quality is not commensurate with other games.

15 great co-op games to help gamers stay at home to avoid the epidemic but still have fun with friends (P1)

Killing Floor 2

Did we mention Viscera Cleanup Detail – a game that forces you to clean up after a battle?

Dead by Daylight

With gameplay similar to Friday the 13th, Dead by Daylight has also been highly rated since its launch.

Payday 2

Instead of taking players into the role of heroes, Payday 2 will help you transform into notorious bank robbers.

Watch Dogs 2

Watch Dogs 2 is the next version of the game series of the same name first released in 2014. Set in the crime-filled city of San Francisco, Watch Dogs 2 is a story surrounding the character Marcus Holloway, according to news.

(To be continued….)